
Suwon is situated in the center of the Korean peninsula  (127 longitudinal degrees East and 37 latitudinal degrees North). Positioned 37 kilometers South of Seoul, it has an abundant historical heritage, centuries-old traditions, as well as an important spectrum of economic and scientific activities.

Suwon City’s official symbol

The symbol that represents the city is a simplified modernist representation of the Hwaseong fortress, one of Suwon’s main tourist attractions, designated part of UNESCO Cultural World Heritage.

The brand of the city – Happy Suwon – expresses its identity and future vision.

“H” is illustrated as two individuals holding hands which suggests the image of Suwon as a city where the one million inhabitants live in harmony and support each other.

The History of Suwon City

  • It is suspected that the Korean peninsula was first populated in the Paleolithic era approximately 700.000 years ago. Bits and pieces of carved and grounded rock dating from the late Paleolithic (around 200.000 ~ 400.000 years ago) have been discovered in the area of Suwon. Various 10.000 ~ 40.000 years old tools were also discovered in the Gosaek-dong, Pajang-dong-dong, and Daeyami ruins. Ceramic items dating from the Neolithic period (around 10.000 ~ 1.500 and 2.000 A. D.) surfaced in historical sites from Suwon, such as Hwaseo-dong and Yuljeon-dong.
  • The Three Kingdoms (Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla) fought ardently to conquer Danghanseong (currently in Hwaseo          ng-si), which was an important location for marine transport. Suwon was in the center of this territory, which determined all the three kingdoms to seek its domination. In the end, Silla occupied the space and established the cities of Sinju (553), Bukhansan (557), and Namcheon (561). Silla unified the three kingdoms and structured the country in nine provinces and five capitals.
  • Consequently, Suwon was incorporated into Hansan and later changed to Han province’s Suseong-gun, a title mentioned in year 757 during the reign of King Gyeongdeok. It was later changed to Suju during the Goguryeo dynasty then to Suwondohobu in 1271 during the reign of King Wonjong. This was the first time the name “Suwon” was mentioned. Since then, the name suffered a number of variations, from Sujumok to Suwonbu, Suwongun and back to Suwonbu.
  • In 1395, during the reign of King Taejo, Suwonbu was incorporated into Gyeonggi-do. After the reorganization of the Gyeonggi province in 1413 (during the reign of King Taejong), the name was changed from Suwondohobu into Suwonbu.
  • After that, no significant change was seen for 200 years. In 1789, during King Jeongjo’s reign, administrative offices alongside houses had to be relocated to the lower side of Paldalsan province due to the king moving his father’s grave, Prince Sado, in the central part of Suwon. After the relocation, king Jeongjo incorporated cities Ilyong-myeon and Dongdong into Suwon.
  • In 1794, also during King Jeongjo’s reign, Hwaseong citadel’s construction was started, seeing its completion two years later. King Jeongjo appointed Cho Sim-tae as project supervisor and Chae Je-Gong (1719~1799) as Hwaseong’s first governor, who was assigned the administration role.
  • Suwon was faced with hardships maintaining its city status after the death of King Jeongjo and was downgraded to the “gun” level in 1895 (during the reign of King Gojong). Next year, Suwon became the residential town of the Gyeonggi province. However, the residential role was shifted from Suwon towards Gyeongseong (currently Seoul) in 1910 during the Japanese occupation. In 1949, Suwon was upgraded to city level and became the residential town once again in 1967.


SUWON este situat in centru Peninsulei Coreene (127 grade longitudine est, 37 grade latitudine nord). Oras aflat la 30 km sud de Seul, capitala tarii, are o bogata mostenire istorica, traditii multiseculare, precum si o importanta activitate economica si stiintifica.

Simbolul oficial al orasului SUWON

Este simbolul care reprezinta oficial orasul SUWON. Simbolul incorporeaza o imagine simplificata si modernista a Cetatii Hwaseong din Suwon  (desemnata Patrimoniu Cultural Mondial UNESCO).

Brandul orasului – Happy Suwon exprima identitatea si viziunea de viitor a orasului.

“H”; simbolizeaza doi oameni imbratisandu-se si ajutandu-se unul pe altul si infatisand imaginea Suwon ca a unui oras de 1 milion de cetateni care traiesc în armonie.

Istoria Orasului SUWON

  • Se presupune ca omul paleolitic a ajuns in Peninsula Coreana acum aproximativ 700.000 de ani în urma. Bucati de piatra cioplita si slefuita, si diverse unelte din perioada paleoliticului tarziu (200.000 ~ 400.000 de ani) au fost descoperite în zona Suwon. Diverse unelte din perioada Paleoliticului (10.000 ~ 40.000 de ani in urma) au fost, de asemenea, gasite în ruinele Gosaek-dong, Pajang-dong-dong şi Daeyami. Modele ceramice din timpul epocii neolitice (acum 10.000 de ani ~ 1.500 si 2.000 î.Hr.) au fost găsite în situri istorice din Suwon, cum ar fi Hwaseo-dong şi Yuljeon-dong.
  • Cele trei regate ale Coreei (Goguryeo, Baekje si Silla) s-au luptat cu inversunare pentru a ocupa Danghangseong (aflat in prezent în Hwaseong-SI), care a fost centru de transport maritim. Cum se poate observa, Suwon a fost în centrul activitatilor maritime şi cele trei regate au dorit ocuparea acestui teritoriu. In final, Silla a ocupat valea raului Han si stabilit orasele Sinju 553, Bukhansan in 557 si Namcheoniîn 561. Silla unificat cele trei regate si a impartit tara în nouaprovincii si cinci subcapitale.
  • In consecinta, Suwon a fost încorporat in Hansan si mai tarziu a fost schimbat in Suseong-gun a privinciei Han, denumire geografica mentionata in anul 757 in timpul domniei regelui Gyeongdeok. Mai tarziu a fost schimbat in Suju timpul dinastiei Goguryeo si apoi in Suwondohobu in 1271 în timpul domniei regelui Wonjong. Aceasta a fost pentrui prima data cand cuvantul “Suwon” a fost utilizat. De atunci, numele a fost schimbat de mai multe ori de la Sujumok la Suwonbu, Suwongun si inapoi la Suwonbu.
  • In 1395 (in timpul domniei Regelui Taejo), Suwonbu a fost incorporat in Gyeonggi-do de la Yanggwang-do (prezent Chungcheong-do). In urma reorganizarii zonei Gyeonggi din 1413 (în timpul domniei regelui Taejong), numele a fost schimbat de la Suwondohobu in Suwonbu.
  • De atunci, Suwon nu suferă nici o modificare semnificativă timp de aproape 200 de ani. In 1789 (in timpul domniei regelui Jeongjo), birourile administrative şi case au trebuit să fie mutate la partea inferioară a provinciei Paldalsan, cand regele Jeongjoa a mutat Hyeollyungwon (mormântul tatălui său, Prinţul Sado) in partea centrala a Suwon. În urma relocarii, regele Jeongjo a incorporat in Suwon orasele Ilyong-myeon si-Dongdong.
  • In 1794 (în timpul domniei regelui Jeongjo), s-a inceput construirea Cetatii Hwaseong care a fost finalizata în 1796. King Jeongjo l-a numit pe Cho Sim-tae pentru a supraveghea a proiectului de constructie si la numit pe Chae Je-Gong (1719 ~ 1799) ca primul guvernator al Hwaseong, acesta avand sarcina de a administra Cetatea Hwaseong.
  • Suwon si-a mentinut cu greu statutul oraş dupa moartea regelui Jeong si a fost retrogradat la statutul de GUN in 1895 (în timpul domniei regelui Gojong). In anul urmator 1896, Suwon a devenit oras de resedinta al provinciei Gyeonggi-do. Cu toate acestea, resedinta a fost mutata de la Suwon la Gyeongseong (in prezent Seul) in 1910 in timpul domniei coloniale japoneze. In 1949, Suwon s-a ridicat la statutul de oras si a redevenit resedinta in anul 1967.